Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday 10-24-2006 Where have I been?

I am sorry that I have been sort of MIA for the last week, but as many of you know, there has been quite a lot going on recently. I think I have a couple day breather here before it picks up again. Though, I will be spending the "breather" getting my infusion today and possibly tomorrow. I smile to myself a bit at the idea that my life slows down for chemo. At this point, I am glad to be going in for an infusion so I have a couple days where I have to relax. Don't get me wrong, the last week and a half had some of the best times of my life but I am definitely ready for a little down time. Again, I just feel so lucky to be in the state that I am in and still relatively normal.

I wanted to extend the most heartfelt thanks to everyone who made the wedding so wonderful for Eva and I. We had an incredible time and each and every one of you really made it so special for us. We truly feel blessed to know such amazing people and my only gripe was that I would have wanted to spend more time with each of you (maybe we should have done a multi-night celebration). Thanks also to everyone who brought a dish (don't worry this was not asked of everyone), they were wonderful and really added to the community feeling Eva and I were going for. Finally I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who helped out before, during, and after the wedding. Considering the small number of details Eva and I actually planned, it came together really well (i.e. we decided to get Tom (the best man) a tux the day of).

There have been a lot of stories from the last week and I hope to get them down in due time. Read them if you like, skip them if not. They are mostly for my benefit anyways. I am just glad people seem to enjoy them. As far as my health, I am obviously doing pretty well. I have not been taken down by the DVT and the chemo side effects are still really manageable. I will elaborate in the other posts.

If you are so inclined, Eva and I would love to hear some memorable stories or moments from the wedding and reception. If you have the time, please jot them down and send them to evatyler@gmail.com. It can be anything from a joke to a piece of advice to someone running into the screen door. They are just for Eva and I, but the really good ones (with permission) might end up on the blog.
Just to get you guys going I will relay a short one about my grandmother. We had arrived early to take photos before the ceremony and before we got started, I said hello and chatted a second with my grandmother and her boyfriend Harry. I asked if she was excited (obviously) and if maybe the romance of it all would woo her into accepting one of Harry's many offers (oh-no, no way, sorry Harry- I tried). I then asked if she had any advice for me. She responded, "for today or for life." I replied "for today" thinking that I might miss the wedding if we got her going on life advice. She sort of leans in real close, so I lean in real close, and she says, "When you go to kiss her, make sure to pull back the veil." I burst into laughter, give her a kiss and a hug, and took off for pictures.

Any stories people relay to us will be greatly appreciated as they will just remind us of the wonderful day that brought us together (for the second time). Also, if anyone wants to relay stories about us from the past few years, feel free to email those as well. Consider it an open invitation.
Thanks again to each and every one of you for being such wonderful people and being such a big part of our lives.

Live Strong,


jessica said...

hi tyler i dont know if you remember but we met today when you were with your dad...i work in his office. laurie is my aunt and she has shown me your blog a few times. i didnt get to tell you congratulations earlier. the picture of you and your wife is beautiful. well i hope you have a great night :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler and Eva!!
The wedding was beautiful... maybe Matt and I will get around to it!!
Ha, ha!! I'm so glad that we could be a part of your special day, thank you for including us. Isn't my neice so cute? Your probably remember her, she was about 4 yrs. old when you met her!!
Hey, how many push ups are you up to these days?????
Love to you both,